Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Electric wheelchair versus luxury sedan

Bonn - in the wrangling over an underground parking for a law firm Bonner a severely brought into court.
Justification: While his wheelchair parked against its pitch was one of their lawyers his BMW (and recently just purchased his S-Class sedan) no longer rank as he wanted.
"But that's the only corner where I can stand me," implored the desperate to 90 percent disabled Axel Elster on Tuesday the judge
 He had already tried to park his wheelchair in the storage facility or any other garage corner. "That was big trouble with the neighbors," says the 60-year-old, who can go at most a few feet on crutches.
"But I can not help that I'm so sick, I can not dissolve in air," said Elster, who finished with the electric wheelchair, the errands for his 85-year-old mother.
The former hospital employee who lives on a small disability pension, by the dispute with the nerves at the end: "I was on several occasions about to break up."
But his offer: "I ask you to sell us the space, we pay them what you want, also take up a loan," fell on deaf ears. "You know the parking situation here in the neighborhood," rejected the claim representative. Neither the firm nor any of its members have an apartment in the house.
Now must be a witness to 9 June to decide whether Axel Elster hindered the wheelchair in / out with a luxury car.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Qatar offers seven billion euros for Porsche

Stuttgart - The Gulf state of Qatar, Porsche offers around seven billion euros for the purchase of Stammaktienund options.
"DieSumme would pay off its debts, the company essentially", it was said in banking circles. The Dealwäre "a way out for Porsche.
The offer from Qatar was "final stages." The fundamental decision about the future vonPorsche is expected until 23 Eineraußerordentlichen on July board meeting of the sports car maker.
should also advise on the sale of just the Hälfteder Porsche AG's Volkswagen.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Doctors let the blind see again

Hamburg -
It would be one of the biggest sensations in medicine - and it does not seem to be too utopian:
The blind will see again soon!
Doctors at the University of Tübingen are currently testing micro-chips that will enable a simple way of seeing. As the news magazine Der Spiegel reports in its latest issue, the team implanted the chip under one of the retina of blind patients. So that people could recognize objects and letters read.
In particular, the success in a 45-year-old Finns with their first name Miika be seen by experts as a breakthrough in the development of visual implants. "We showed at Miika that he had passed with the help of the visual prosthesis, the limit beyond which he is legally no more than blind," says the head of the working group, Eberhart Zrenner.
The implant has a 1500 photo cells, which are housed on a three by three millimeters tiny micro-chip that was placed in a four-hour operation conducted under the retina. "The implant is well tolerated by the body, Zrenner said the magazine. "None of the patients we have observed serious problems such as inflammation."
Due to requirements of the Ethics Committee of the University of Tübingen, the vision chip, however, already had to be removed after a few weeks. Professor Zrenner, who founded a company called Retina Implant, announced in the "mirror" to equip the next year about two dozen patients with new, wireless vision chips, which will then remain permanently under the retina.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

For dominatrix sex she was to receive € 500,000

The bust-confession by Katy Karrenbauer (46, "Behind Bars") - four weeks before the actress confessed to the Express that she is deeply in debt.
The report suggested big waves. Hundreds of fans offered the TV star since then to support. And even in a very extreme way ...
Unbelievable: A man offered Katy Karrenbauer 500,000 euros - for six times dominatrix sex! It started innocently enough. The Karrenbauer supporters reported in writing to their agency, introduced himself as a very rich heritage of Bonn. It began an exchange of correspondence (located in EXPRESS), was in the course of which (according to own statements) 38 years old man and more concrete.
At first he only asked for an autograph and a meeting in return, then he raved about Karrenbauer as "very dominant woman." He asked if she had a soft spot for vinyl and leather - and were, finally, that he imagined six dominatrix meeting in exchange for half a million euros.
Katy Karrenbauer lost within a few years, 1.5 million euros, including through real estate transactions. It still stands today, with 400,000 euros in debt and made an application for Hartz IV
"This is a truly indecent proposal", says the actress of the EXPRESS. "But I would be lying if I had not thought for a moment about this offer. That is quite understandable in my situation. With the money I would have been free of debt at a stroke. Friends told me I should have made it easy to talk without anyone of them. "
Karrenbauer reports: "I once played in a TV spot, the role of a dominatrix. When you shoot in a SM-Studio in the Ruhr area, the operator asked me if I wanted to start working for her. Earn $ 500 per hour would be no problem. "
Katy Karrenbauer confesses in her new book, "Life is not Fischfurz" (now in the trade), among other things ihrere previous employment at a phone sex hotline. "I've made many bad jobs," says sie.Doch end was clearly at the Domina offer the choice - rejected! Karrenbauer: "I want abstottern my debts to other way."
More on Katy Karrenbauer: Katy Karrenbauer has lost everything '

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ümit Özat leaves FC

Cologne --
The 1 FC Cologne on Monday terminated the contract with coach assistant Ümit Özat.
In the official statement of the association says: "The FC therefore complied with the urgent request of Ümit Özat to end as soon as the employment contract for family reasons. The decision to allow Ümit Özat go to the club's management was not easy. For 1 . FC Cologne but the motives Özat that will move his family back to Turkey to be there for the father became very ill take care to understand. However, the club has tried hard to convince Ümit Özat of staying. "
Ümit Özat himself says his departure: "It is for me a very serious situation. I'm incredibly sad that I am the 1 FC Cologne has to leave so suddenly for family reasons. FC Cologne and has become home for me. I love this club and this city and feel like Cologne. Due to the illness of my father I have the club and the city now abandoned, but unfortunately. I will miss the FC very much. I hope that someday I can come back to this great club. "
Özat continued: "I am grateful to the FC from the heart. I hope that I can come by shortly to personally say goodbye to. Thank you for everything! "