Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grand coalition in Schleswig-Holstein burst

Kiel - bang in the North: The grand coalition is inSchleswig-Holstein, after years of wrangling endgültiggescheitert. The CDU wants the government coalition with the SPD beendenund elections aiming parallel to the election on 27 September.
The Group decided to parliament on Wednesday unanimously aufVorschlag by Prime Minister Peter Harry Carstensen (CDU).
The SPDwehrte But first, the dissolution of the Kiel Landtagszuzustimmen. Because of the necessary two-thirds majority can not give their consent esohne elections. Carstensen, while incorporating the SPD could be sacked ministers from his cabinet.
The ratio of the coalition partners is alszerrüttet long time. The SPD-CDU complains that the state and party head in front RalfStegner making false statements and are not too gemeinsamvereinbarten savings decisions. The CDU Auflösungdes request for Parliament to be put to the vote on Friday. DieCDU there has 30 seats, the SPD 29, the opposition together ten.