Monday, April 26, 2010

Cooler Bailey provides hot party

Dusseldorf - 84:81 After the surprise coup against champions Alba Berlin made it the basketball giant crashing right.
In the new Shared by Ben and Tom and Matthias Spöhler GODDEK celebrating the Giants a strong housewarming party and awaited liberation.
Middle of it and Giants hero Brant Bailey. The American is the Berlin-killers, three times he ran against the albatrosses, three times Bailey was the winner of the pit.
"The team is me, because I have always delivered good games," grinned the match-winner. In the highly dramatic final phase Bailey remained quite cool and kept loosely in his four attempts from the Freiwurfmarkierung entirely.
"I was nervous just before the first. That is always the hardest. After that, I knew that the other litters also find the target, "said the giant relief.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grand coalition in Schleswig-Holstein burst

Kiel - bang in the North: The grand coalition is inSchleswig-Holstein, after years of wrangling endgültiggescheitert. The CDU wants the government coalition with the SPD beendenund elections aiming parallel to the election on 27 September.
The Group decided to parliament on Wednesday unanimously aufVorschlag by Prime Minister Peter Harry Carstensen (CDU).
The SPDwehrte But first, the dissolution of the Kiel Landtagszuzustimmen. Because of the necessary two-thirds majority can not give their consent esohne elections. Carstensen, while incorporating the SPD could be sacked ministers from his cabinet.
The ratio of the coalition partners is alszerrüttet long time. The SPD-CDU complains that the state and party head in front RalfStegner making false statements and are not too gemeinsamvereinbarten savings decisions. The CDU Auflösungdes request for Parliament to be put to the vote on Friday. DieCDU there has 30 seats, the SPD 29, the opposition together ten.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Choked Roger P. († 49) during sadomasochistic sex?

Bonn - The bizarre death of Roger P. († 49). What went wrong at the SM game with a very young dominatrix (19)? According EXPRESS information they struck just as a hobby.
The honest tax expert was: pain his pleasure. But apparently P. was also on breath control, strangulation - because: He should be nipped in dangerous sexual practices with the 19-year-olds! Accurate post-mortem examination has revealed. Roger P. As was found Wednesday in his Röttgener apartment, he was already dead since Saturday (EXPRESS reported).
On the day he had apparently ordered a dominatrix amateur home, whose visit was not he survived. Krass: When the young woman noticed his death, she just went. Later, she confided in a friend who called the police.
While the investigations continue the prosecution of assault resulting in death, local residents can not grasp the message of Psalm death circumstances. "That he trusted nobody here," says Frederick Anges, owner of the newspaper shop. Roger P. had brought with her the newspaper every morning and made his professional post.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Overath buttons in front of ALL

Cologne --
Wolfgang Overath was sitting at the breakfast table, as EXPRESS reached him by phone. The President of the 1st FC Cologne was looking for the right words for the athletic deprivation. And they found it. "I'm shocked!"
The world champion of 1974 who wants to face in 14 days at the annual general meeting for re-election as President of FC was not on Sunday only angeknockt. He was furious. Even to get angry!
The sporty indictment has added the 66-year-olds as rarely before an event in its five-year term. And that will have consequences for the players, coach Zvonimir Soldo and sporting manager Michael Meier. Overath buttons in front of EVERYONE!
"For me it is completely inexplicable why this team for this fantastic crowd and great stadium a year ago won just three games at home," he began his relentless analysis.
And then this sentence: "I will also have an explanation! I'll talk to the coach and the players. Then we'll see. "It not only sounds like a threat. It is a! Tuesday ALL need to report.
Who Overath had seen during the grueling 90 minutes against Hannover in the stands who could only feel sympathy for this man, he swore, he suffered, he was desperate. And it had a reason. "We have not even scored against Hanover in 45 minutes at the gate. This is absolutely inexplicable. "
Now EVERYTHING is on trial. Especially the hapless coach. Whether Soldo is also a defeat Sunday at the severed tail light table Hertha Berlin are still sitting on the coach's bench - internal states: NO.
Reminder: After Overath was elected in August 2004 at an Extraordinary General Meeting as President, he was surprisingly announced the separation of Marcel Koller. And presented as an inaugural gift with just the new coach Huub Stevens.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Meier: "The game is Sunday Podolskis"

Even 29 minutes, and Lukas Podolski (24) was scoreless since 1000 minutes. No FC fan will remember it on Sunday!
And certainly not the manager. Michael Meier (60) announced before the duel with Nuremberg:
"The game is Sunday Poldi" - and he is in the EXPRESS interview from his plea for a striker!
Meier's plea for Podolski
Next »
"I have no doubts at Poldi!"
"The 971 minutes are a statistic that can not meet its performance relative to bottom!"
"I wish him Sunday that he shoots not only for Germany but also for FC goals."
"Criticism is also a rare player like him allowed. But despite all the criticism we must not forget that he has chosen to meet various offers for the FC in the summer. Who else would have done that!? "
"The whole of Germany presses his thumb Sunday. He enjoys the sympathy of most of the country. "
"Poldi picks up again! He has shown that this week in training. He recognized in Freiburg, that it is. The game will be Sunday, "It also hopes Poldis traveled Grandma Zofia, now completes the family clan in the stands. And all football Cologne!
The whole game live from 17:30 there's Clock in the ticker HERE!