Sunday, June 13, 2010

Love-doping for the "bulls-Torlos"

Düsseldorf - In the half against Augsburg was suddenly end, as proclaimed Fortune coach Norbert Meier Dmitri Bulykin that he remain in the cabin and Martin Harnik storm for him.
"I had not counted on, that was very disappointing for me," said the Russian. But this is not surprising. In his first match, the Cup-cracker against Hamburg, he remained scoreless.
Even then was the Russian-bull (1.86 meters, 88 kilograms), signed in the second division match - and never once met the mark. "I am not satisfied," says the 29-year-old self.
"But I'm also not completely fit. And I need for my game. At first it was still quite good, but then I fell into a hole. Now I work my piece by piece out again. "
 What will take at. The striker admits: "I need only 60 to 70 percent, at least one more week. But I work very hard. "A lonely struggle, because the attacker is currently without a family connection in a foreign city.
"My wife and my three daughters Ikatharina are currently in Moscow. Here comes one sometimes quite alone in front. This makes it any easier. But here I've found a nice apartment, which is now also ready, "said Bulykin.
"Next week is my wife with the children and a nanny to Düsseldorf. The two older girls have to go to school in Moscow. I am looking forward very much - and then it is determined uphill. "
Doping love for the "Torlos bulls"! And the ex-striker is confident that now go soon, a few hits from his account. "I know what I can. I lack only the power. Is there, I'm purely those things. I will still shoot a lot of goals. But now first have to produce the first. The need for every striker confidence. "

Monday, June 7, 2010

Our center is gold plated

Düsseldorf -
It cost 300 million prestige project Kö-Bogen.
But what few know: The same amount is now invested in our town. The result is a new district.
In the City Council before the Christmas break, the investor got the go-ahead for its plans: the old country and District Court will be refurbished for 300 million euros at the "Andreas quarters. An incredible amount, is also in the Libeskind buildings at the Kö-Bogen not put more money!
"This speaks to our city," says CDU Ratsfraktionschef Friedrich G. Conzen. "The investors have even a nose for where it is worthwhile to spend money. And in Düsseldorf it's worth just a bit more than in the area. "Even old-landlady Isa Fiedler is enthusiastic:" This can only be good for the old city, it brings in more life. "
For that is the interesting thing about Andreas Quarter: This is not only to office space as at the Kö-Bogen. "We focus on high quality of living," says Uwe Schmitz Frankonia by the investor. The Nettetal company has implemented projects in the past in Düsseldorf (including the high-rise SIGN! By Helmut Jahn in port).
are in the former courthouse (reconstruction beginning in the summer) and 2013 Others "Serviced Apartments emerge. This apartments are meant by small hotels service. Arise they are in old buildings and new buildings, which take the place of the 50s and 70s Gerichtsbauten in the rear of the site.
There will also be high-quality restaurants and retail. "This is very interesting for the Ratingen Strasse, which is losing so with justice soon important customers," says Isa Fiedler. Incidentally, even in front of the court - in the former town house - and Theresa Hospital to be built homes. Golden times for the Old Town!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ICE accident - out on completion

Cologne / Frankfurt - The passengers in the ICE 518 Wolfsburg, on 9 July 2008 in Cologne's main railway station are derailed, barely escaped death.
This is clear from the opinion of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin.
The report, were used for the different echo method, is also the Cologne public prosecutor. The propellant charge wave, it is said in the paper from Berlin-Steglitz would entlanggeschlagen with incredible force as a turbobeschleunigte, steel Frisbee under the train and would have the ICE derailed.
The Cologne prosecutor now checks who or whether anyone can be held accountable for the accident. The investigation should also be directed against high-level railway manager. Because the railway is responsible for the maintenance of its trains. Whether the prosecutor affirmed an initial suspicion is not yet clear.
could be sure that the conclusion of the investigation raise several liability issues. "The investigations are nearing completion. More I can not say, "said Attorney General Günther field on Wednesday.